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Cosmological Illustrations

Comparisons PP III 22/23/24

The example below includes the first image of the vortex in the Principles (at PP III 22/23/24) in the following editions: 1644, 1647, 1650, 1656E, 1656J, 1657,1659, 1664, 1668, 1672, 1677. This first image depicting the Cartesian vortex - tipically included in article 23 of the third part of the Principles - is published 15 times in 1657, 14 times in 1659 and 1668, 10 times in the 1644 and the 1650 editions, 9 times appears in 1656E, 1664 1672, 1677, 8 times in 1656J, and only once in the 1647 edition.